Resilience – beyond sustainability

We all hope that we can continue to live as we do now even if conditions change. The challenges which are now apparent however create a high probability that our way of life will change. Consider for example the combination of declining oil supplies, food shortages, water shortage, environmental degradation, unstable economy, severe weather events, population increase and increasing numbers of disadvantaged people. We will need to adapt and to depend on one another, to become resilient as individuals and as a community.

SCSA is forming a working group to develop a program to enable our members to increase their resilience. Considerable research and action are occurring in Australia and internationally on this issue. Sustainable Communities SA intends to convene an initial meeting for a working group in the near future and for those interested here are some sources worth looking at:

If you would like to join the working group please contact Ray Mylius by email or tel. 08 8363 2295.

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