Sustainability & the old Australian house

Sustainable Communities SA member, Andrew Marsh, has published a book called Sustainability and the old Australian house, about energy and water conservation for people who live in old houses.

According to Andrew old architecture + modern living = high energy wastage. This equation resonates in many old houses around Australia. Energy and water costs are rising and we are keen to find ways to reduce bills. Most households can reduce energy consumption by 20% without any significant lifestyle change. The savings are often right under our noses, we just need to recognise them and act.

People who live in old houses often have to choose either to live sustainably or to live comfortably – achieving both of these can be a challenge. Sustainability and the old Australian house takes up the challenge. It has 200 pages of information and tips for cutting energy and water use in homes of 40 years and older.

You can order a copy of the book by contacting Andrew: or  tel. 8363 0811
Sustainable Communities SA members: $12
Non members: $15
Postage if required: $3.50

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