2012 – a year of development and growth

2012 will be a new year of development and growth in Sustainable Communities SA.

The plans that we are working on for 2012 are the monthly workshops for facilitators and 2 or 3 members of the Community Groups where we will be working on issues of Better Meetings and Supporting each other, Public Outreach, Learning and Research and Behaviour Change. These are the themes that were finalised through the Planning for 2012 Workshop in November.

We will also be working on our communication systems as we grow in numbers of members and numbers of Community Groups and variety of actions and ideas. The Quarterly Reports shared between the 22 Community Groups have provided many new ideas and motivations as do the sharing of activities at the Workshops. This will be expanded through our website with more of this information being put on our blogs and in the newsletter. We will be encouraging you all to visit the website at least once a week to read the blogs, make your comment and use the resource papers to answer your questions.

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