Share N Save – new resource from Zero Waste

by Anne Wharton

This morning I attended the launch of the new Zero Waste website at The Gums Reserve, Tranmere. It was accompanied by the launch of the Campbelltown Community Produce Swap. It was great to see several SCSA members there.

Minister for the Environment, Ian Hunter, launched the website and noted previous positive environmental initiatives in SA, particularly the Container Deposit Legislation (SA was the first state to introduce such legislation many years ago); also the introduction of a fee on plastic bags sold in supermarkets.

This website allows South Australians to find and share services, resources and events in their local community to help with the cost of living, reduce waste and build neighbourhood networks. One Planet Market is listed on the site. It was great to also hear of the excellent support by City of Campbelltown for the Campbelltown Community Produce Swap.

Visit to find out where you can borrow, share and swap free stuff in your neighbourhood.

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